Thursday, June 13, 2019

Impact of establishment of HCT in the Western Region Research Proposal - 1

Impact of establishment of HCT in the Western Region - Research Proposal ExampleQuestionnaires- the questionnaires will be handed out approach to door to the participants while. Open-ended questionnaires would be more appropriate to ensure that the participants feel they can speak their mind and are not restricted in each way. In addition, the questionnaires will also be handed out to the students in class to get their views.Focus groups will also be used. The participants will be grouped in accordance to age and areas where they reside to get their views on how the establishment of HCT colleges has affected the Western region.Simple random sampling was used to procure that all different points of view are taken into consideration. This will help in ascertaining that the data collected is accurate and that it reflects what the entire population believes and not in force(p) a partial part of the population is used in the analysis (Kothari,

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