Monday, June 10, 2019

China and GCC relations Thesis Proposal Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

China and GCC relations - Thesis Proposal ExampleOn an industry level, these needs surface the way for a new and improved breed of Chinese energy companies which are no longer characterized by low-cost and substandard quality scarce but by upgraded technological, financial and labor capabilities. concord to Grunor (150) the China-GCC trade and transactions have increased notable in the past two decades with the Chinese exports increase by seven-fold and the GCC increasing by five-fold.On the other hand, the member states of GCC are making efforts to improve and stabilize their economies by look for global partners to sell their products. Since the terrorist violate in the US in the year 2001, there has been a shift of attention from the west to other regions of the world. According to Brauch et al. (342) the September 11 attack bear upon the global trading trends with the Arab countries put under scrutiny and isolation. The Arab countries opted to move to other parts of the worl d to advance their economic endeavors.The inquiry paper aims to examine the divergent avenues that China relates with the GCC and its member states. The objective of the research is to examine the relations between China and GCC. According to Gransow (63) the relationship between China and the Arab countries has not been put into designate of research and this can be associated to limited research work in this regions. In that manner, the research will try answer the following questionsTo attain the objectives of the charter, the study deployed qualitative analysis research method and inclusion of other data collection method to acquire data from both primary and secondary sources. The research will also deploy the use of quantitative analysis research method to some extent. This is because the research will focus on analyzing the economic activities and relations. According to Tolmie (218) research based on measuring extensive of figures and growth needs to deployed quantitativ e method.

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